Very pleased to be playing the title role of Tycho Brahe in the following production at Glyndebourne:
Spanning 1500 years and 238,900 miles, Tycho's Dream is a science fiction adventure composed by Luke Styles, written by Peter Cant and performed by Glyndebourne's Youth Opera and two professional singers.
Beginning with the discovery of a new star which is destined to change the perception of the heavens forever, Tycho's Dream transports us from Tycho Brahe's 16th century Denmark to an imagined future where the innocent hands of children are used to mine moon rocks in the search for the first word.
In six distinct episodes, Tycho's Dream crosses time and space to explore a future set in motion by Tycho's discovery, a future he could never have imagined: where a space elevator connects the Earth and the Moon, where children don't age, and speaking is banned.
Don't be afraid! Don't look away! Don't hide your eyes! It's here!
Tycho's Dream is a new commission created especially for the Youth Opera company and emerging directly from a development week where a group of young people let their ideas about the future go wild.